Subramanyam r. GollahalliSubramanyam r. Gollahalli
Formal: B. E. (Mechanical Eng.): The University of Mysore, Mysore, India, 1963. Graduated with first class and ranked fourth within the entire state
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1Theodore S. de Bruyn Curriculum Vitae contact information1Theodore S. de Bruyn Curriculum Vitae contact information
Graduate Diploma in Public Administration, 1995, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada
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Curriculum vitae peter crawford frederickCurriculum vitae peter crawford frederick
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N. C. PhD august 1985 in Zoology. Major area of study was Animal Behavior and Ecology under Dr. R. H. Wiley. Dissertation Title: "Mating Strategies of White Ibis"
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Ararat a film by Atom Egoyan Production InformationArarat a film by Atom Egoyan Production Information
An american physician in turkey which depicts the Siege of Van, and the tragic events of 1915. Seamlessly shifting through time, Atom Egoyan explores the quest for personal
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Biographical notes of unaids staff attending XV international aids conferenceBiographical notes of unaids staff attending XV international aids conference
Free University of Brussels, and the University of Nairobi, Kenya, and has done research at the University of Washington, Seattle. He was one of the discoverers of the Ebola virus in Zaire in 1976
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Al Grant Grant, Alan Carson, August 21, 1933 June 14, 2012Al Grant Grant, Alan Carson, August 21, 1933 June 14, 2012
Grant, Alan Carson, August 21, 1933 June 14, 2012. Ba (geology), Acadia University; bsc, Dalhousie University; msc, University of New Brunswick; PhD, Dalhousie University; Doctorate of laws, honouris causa, Dalhousie University
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